
(A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of repose or resolution.)

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalms 52:8

Monday, May 28, 2007

prayer requests, coming to pass!!

ok this is rather cool.

i actually had to start work today, once the GeBIZ number was assigned to the new lab, so i can start making purchases and get quotations from vendors.

i am loathe to start so early, so i made a prayer request (part of my church's 5000 warriors thingie; before we take prayer requests from 20 people, we were supposed to submit our own requests and have our leaders pray over them first).

my requests were: a 2.5k starting salary (that's quite some for a common Lab Officer), and that i don't have to start work till the month of june.

the GeBIZ number (i need that to make purchases) was supposed to have been assigned last week, but noooo... it's not out yet.

so. NO NEED TO GO TO WORK! yay. and i am trusting God to allow me another 2 days of holidays.

but on the flipside, i am suddenly very free. hmm.


edit: 'the number is not coming in till 2 to 3 weeks later'.


this is even better than expected!! wahahahahaha


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