
(A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of repose or resolution.)

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalms 52:8

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

she strikes again...

yes, i've just received xinwei's mail.

'oh hey! xinwei sent me an email! *click* woah too much GREEN. ow ow ow.'

eh, but girl i have to say u did a great job with all the directions (plus map somemore) and just pretty much... everything? i'll be there maybe around 430 k, coz i might have to be at church that saturday. (this is what events planning does to u. and mel.)

yay, finally, the long awaited student council meeting. if you're reading this, and you're from pjcsc (only my batch, thanks) u have got to go, or me, xinwei and angel will hunt u down and drag u from whichever unhappening party down to bukit timah. u got that?


was going to try and do some work today, but as usual, i procrastinate by vacuuming the floor (only if i'm home!). tried out my spanking new karcher v.c. and i had to figure out everything from scratch e.g. how to fix the filter, found a rubber plug and didn't know where it went, and how to close the darn thing. had to squat in the utilities room for ages, but can proudly say I CAN WORK IT!


so i started vacuuming... swept the vacuum here and there... then suddenly something bumped against me. HARD. i nearly jumped out of my skin - then realized it was the freaking v.c. coz it rolls (too) well on its wheelies. so everytime i swing too hard the whole unit rolls about until it crashes into something e.g. sofa, table, the big plastic black chair that everyone trips over.

after awhile it got pretty cute though, coz i just glanced at it in mid-roll... and realized that it looked just like... R2! ahhh *goes crazy* so cuuuute. except that it was more like a blind R2...

*beep beep beep! BANG*

heh. what an exciting day. am meeting the girls for B&Js on thursday!! (ben & jerry's, for the uninitiated)


(i am making many sounds today. hmm. *smooch*)


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