
(A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of repose or resolution.)

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalms 52:8

Sunday, July 08, 2007

paying it forward

i am a greatly blessed girl, when i actually sit down and think about it. even though sometimes i feel life is unfair, people are mean, i'm not getting what i deserve etc... but when i smack myself real hard or when God speaks, i know i am very blessed.

i'm blessed with a God who knows all my dreams even before i begin, who worked out my pathway into life sciences even though i avoided biology like the plague when choosing subjects in sec 2. somehow, my class of 39 (excluding me) all appealed for pure bio, so my class that was intended to be a 7 subject class, became an 8.

i flunked biology all the way, until the fateful mid-year where i only had 5 credits out of 9 papers (sub chem/physics made up 2 papers) and was called to the vice-principal's office. but the principal replaced the VP for my little 'talk' instead. my livid parents came down. i couldn't stop crying from the shame i'd brought to them.

i can't remember much, except that the principal was very, very kindly and encouraged me, instead of chiding. she spoke on my behalf to my parents, in fact, and vouched that i'd do better by the year-end. if i still flunked bio, i could opt to drop it, which was an option opened to the rest of my class.

i was so grateful, i actually passed everything. eventually, my cousin came into the picture supposedly to give me biology tips, but she spoke to me about how my mom was worried sick about me. the rush of guilt flooded in, and i really, really wanted to do well coz i hated being a burden to my mum.

i didn't drop biology, and managed an A2 and an A1 for chem/phy (i think i got 2nd place in the level before the Os) during the Os. went to pjc, got all fired up about how biology was like, the best subject ever (chem is a close 2nd) and knew i wanted to do research.

then the A levels came. my results bombed, and because of the marketing of life sciences by the govt, the flood of better students kept me out of science.

i thank God, once again, for specifically closing doors to test if i really wanted this, then easily opening the door to NUS after one year (and i didn't even retake my As!) to my utmost surprise.

and now... i've graduated. :)

albeit with a second lower (because i stupidly lost my drive in year 3 and bombed out, straight Bs), but hey, God is in control. and He is so, so good to me.


oh guess what? the CGS principal who cause the turning point in my academic history, is now the principal of PJC (after i left PJ, of course). it's a weird coincidence. heh.


i am also blessed with...

1. my mom who went all the way down for my commencement ceremony with a huge smile, and a positively fantastic mood, even though i pissed her off majorly and we had a big fight the day before... because she loves me even though i suck as a daughter.

2. my dad who didn't complain when i only snapped a few shots with him at commencement,and when i spent most of the time taking pictures all over the place while neglecting him and the rest of my family, but still offered to lug my barang home... because he loves me and was very proud of me that day, but just didn't know how to show it.

3. my vain brother who remembers his sister when he goes out, and brings home sweets for me. *hug*

4. my girlfriends who tolerate my nonsense and were the ones who didn't judge me when i had a very bad 2006. they didn't judge me, and yet... they disciplined me when i really sucked as a person.

5. my cell leader who always forgives, and always loves in abundance, and is just simply a joy to learn from and work with. hey babe, i've been walking with u for 6 years already! :D

6. alvin, because he has shown me the extent of how one can be patient, forgiving and loving. his faith in God keeps me in check.


Dear Lord, thank you for all the blessings u've heaped upon me although i shouldn't deserve any because i am lazy and selfish, faithless and unfaithful. but these blessings that i have received will not just be idle-taking, as it has been for the past 5 years. i want to learn how to give the way you do...

i want to be a blessing to others from today on!


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