
(A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of repose or resolution.)

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalms 52:8

Saturday, November 25, 2006

swimming under the stormy sky

today was the day i had promised to bring the melville children's club to swim at my place.

yeah simply because my pool has a pirate ship and slides.

we were to meet at 5pm. it started raining at 2:30pm. immediately calls came in with the kids all worrying the same thing:

"JIEJIE VIVIEN IT'S RAINING LEH!! (you can hear the 'it's-doomsday' note in their voices) HOW AH? SWIMMING HOW AH? ARE WE STILL SWIMMING???"

heh heh. so i took the opportunity to teach them to pray... for good weather!

and good weather came amidst the stormy, brewy skies and it only slightly drizzled while we were in the pool. good stuff. :D

so we all met and silly me didn't wear my glasses down, so i was pretty blind and squinty all the time.

i got Farty and adrean to help me with (supposedly all) the kids, but being boys... they ran off with the other boys. the primary 5 and 6s. but ok la, it was 2 "adults" to 3 boys so i felt that it was safe...

leaving me with my ratio of 1 adult: 9 girls.

good thing most of them stayed near me. AND NO ONE DROWNED. *phew*

after playing a few games in the main pool, we moved to the sandpool with the ship and slides.

woah, the kids went mad.

we spent like, an hour at the sand pool, just sliding down the big slide. we were all trying different stunts; forwards, backwards, standing, sitting on jolie's ring-float, falling down the slide (?!) etc

again, thank God no one got injured. T_T

well now my eyes are smarting from all the chlorine, my legs aching from all that swimming/chasing/wading in shallow water.

but it was so, so fun i want to bring the kids over again.

wanna come along the next time? :)


  • At Sunday, November 26, 2006 3:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Me Me!!!! Please have another one!!! I'll definitely come!! too bad my eyes weren't good yesterday otherwise I'd have helped u with the 9girls!!! hahaa


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