
(A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of repose or resolution.)

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalms 52:8

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

... find better things to do. gimme a job.

it's the return of the okCupid tests. i do this to please myself. i'm bored.

You scored 25% airiness, 36% squishiness, and 57% edginess!

According to our patented JawamaticTM technology, you are most like Yoda in personality.
A traditionalist at heart, Yoda has honed his intuition through hundreds of years of meditation and study. But don't let that fool you -- he believes the old ways are the best ways. To him, the known is preferable to the unknown.
Yoda is, in a word, reliable.
(The polar opposite of Yoda is Luke Skywalker.)

You scored 61 Independence, 71 Romance, 63 Loyalty, and 53 Practicality!

You are Ariel! Ariel is for some the ultimate disney heroine, the girl who defies everything she knows for the sake of love. While you care a great deal about your family and friends, and would never settle for a subservient, obiedient life style, love is everything to you. You are brave, cunning, a little reckless, with an enquiring mind and a personality all of your own, but you are ultimately a dreamer rather than a realist, risking everything you care about for the chance of a dream, something you long for. Your idealism makes you an utterly charming girl and your friends would follow you everywhere, but you do sometimes get into a bit of danger by not being cautious or thinking things through. You don't listen to your parents if their advice dosen;'t suit you, which is good, you aren't just a brainless follower, but sometimes a little wisdom would be nice. You also would leave your friendships behind for true love, even though they mean a lot to you. Luckily for you, everything will always turn out okay, because you are good at heart, but sometimes others despair of your single minded devotion to the one you love, although it is very romantic. Lively and fun, you can be a little naiive, but ultimately you are a determined and loveable person.

Gods! You scored 62!

You are most like the Goddess Aphrodite! Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility and desire. Although she was married she had many affairs with both other gods and men - most famously with Ares. Her husband Hephaestus caught them in a net he had made and paraded them in front of the other gods. Aphrodite is mean, vain and jealous, and most often depicted with a mirror.

Like Oh My Gawd! You scored 62 Girliness!

You love being a girl, you are very thorough with your haircolor and shopping is you favorite past time. Lip gloss is also your best friend and you have probably shopped at a Sephora before. You Go Girl!

Holy crap! You are:

He's not really an X-man. Actually, he's ALOT like Charles Xavier, only on a different side. His goal is ideal, but his means are questionable. Still, he's a hero, in his world mutants are lynched and persectuted for being born. I can't say I blame him for kicking everyone's asses! Oh, and you rule, by the way.

The Which X-Man Are You Test

Wile E. Coyote!
You scored 57 Aggression, 71 Sophistication, and 57 Optimism!

You are intelligent, sophisticated, and the physical personification of the can-do attitude. No matter how many times something blows up in your face (figuratively or literally) or prized project collapses around you, you will pick yourself up and try, try again. There is a good chance that you are very skilled in problem solving and would probably make a fine engineer. Your main weaknesses (and this is likely obvious to everyone but yourself) are your overconfidence and complete lack of perspective. When you inevitably fail at a task (you can’t possibly achieve all of the lofty goals you set for yourself), you tend to take it personally. If you are not careful, you can become thoroughly obsessed with what is not really a very meaty goal. Try taking a step back from time to time and figure out for yourself if it is really worth it, or if your talents could be best put towards a more rewarding goal. Also, your desire for things to work out the way you’ve planned can make you a bit gullible.

The Which Looney Tune Are You Test

You scored 81% SWEET, 85% CHUNKY, and 70% UNIQUE!

chocolate ice Cream with fudge brownies
Very sweet, very wild, and very fun! People flock to this ice cream flavor, just as they flock to you. You love being surrounded by friends and getting crazy together! You could probably stand to calm down a little, but the kind of freedom you feel is inspiring. You really care about the people in your life and party hard, but are open to new ideas and experiences.
The Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor Test
this test is only for greg, alvin and bob. click here.
THIS is for weiyi.

The Carefree Kid
You scored -18

Well done, you got the best score. You are officially ace. You have a good understanding of what it means to be an adult, so you realise that most of what it means is dull as shit. You're kind of organised, kind of happy, on some kind of path, and you're kind of pleased with where it's taking you. You're reasonably popular, but you're not someone with millions of friends, just a few who know you well. All in all, you're still a kid at heart, but because you're fun-loving. You choose to keep that childish side alive, and you deserve a pat on the head for that.
The Have you grown up yet? Test

Eric Foreman
With an uptightness level of 80, you are most like...

Foreman is the leader of the gang.He doesn't really have the qualities of a leader, but he has a kick-ass basement and the Vista Cruiser, so everyone revolves around him.While a little high-maintenance, Eric is really reliable, as you are.You might not know it, but you're cool, and your friends love you.
The which That 70s show character Test
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! thought i was gonna end up as fez coz i chose 'fan of disco'.
You scored 100 potter knowlege!

no its not sphlt its the Society for the Promotion of Hermione-Like Thinkers! and you have just been initiated! Congrats!

i think i'm a freak too.
Full Wizard
Fineto! You scored 90%!

Wow! Impressive. "We can expect great things from you." You must have read the books several times or are just really good at remembering which spell does what. I myself didn't know all the spells until I started writing this test. haha... In any case, if you wanna talk "Harry Potter" with someone, message me. I love meeting other Harry Potter enthusiasts!

this is my absolute favourite test. the best one and most enjoyable one i've ever taken. i'm such a harry potter freak.

Harry & Ron
You scored 59% knowledge and 58% obsession!

"Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled!"
"She needs to sort out her priorities."

You are neither obsessed nor oblivious about the magical world, but your knowledge is obviously higher than average. You have a healthy interest in all things Potter, but it's nothing to worry about. Your keen intellect and natural curiosity make you a force to be reckoned with. You can't be expected to pay attention in Binns' class every lesson when you have Quidditch matches and girls on your mind! Just be forewarned - Hermione won't always be able to finish your essays for you. She has enough going through that frizzy head of hers!
The Harry Potter Obsessed Test
the most challenging of the lot. phew.
10", Willow, Veela
You scored 36 wisdom, 38 bravery, 26 emotional, and 11 martyrdom!
A willow wand signifies that you care deeply about emotions, art, and intuition, and that you have a particular knack for charms. The veela hair as a wand core means that you are slightly unpredictable but very powerful.
The Harry Potter Wand Test
Quills down! You scored 97%!

You know damn near every word of every book. You are among the brightest witches (or wizards) of your age, and you will go far. Just watch out you don't get points off for being an insufferable know-it-all.

The Prioress
You scored 21% Cardinal, 51% Monk, 67% Lady, and 43% Knight!

You are a moral person and are also highly intellectual. You like your solitude but are also kind and helpful to those around you. Guided by a belief in the goodness of mankind you will likely be christened a saint after your life is over.
You scored high as both the Lady and the Monk. You can try again to get a more precise description of either the Monk or the lady, or you can be happy that you're an individual.
The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test
i've just found a whole cache of quizzes for blogs!!
dang, i'm addicted. skipped an interview for 7 hrs (and counting) worth of quizzing myself. but bless the Lord, he has given me a job!! now i have to decide which one i'm keen on - 8 days of CORS, or 24 weekdays of sales at CGH. how does one say no to azlan when he needs help??


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