
(A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of repose or resolution.)

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalms 52:8

Monday, November 27, 2006

heh heh.

oh don't worry, i've already snapped out of it.

actually, i was turned around about an hour after the whole 'oh woe is meeee' episode. it might have been because i had food in my tummy and with the glucose i could think better(?)


i am the child of the God of the 'Impossible'! *smug*smug*

if it is His will, and He gave me my project (which at that time was deemed impossible, again by yours truly), why can't He bless me with a scholarship??

i think i've really limited Him in my mind. and i've forgotten what He is capable of (e.g. placing me in NUS though my grades were sucky, giving me my honours project though my grades were sucky etc) and that His plan is to bless me in ways i cannot imagine.

so, as long as it is in my best interest, my Father will give it to me. i know that for sure.

i'm so overwhelmed with love right now, coz i know my future's in the greatest hands ever.


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