
(A melodic or harmonic configuration that creates a sense of repose or resolution.)

"But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalms 52:8

Friday, December 16, 2005

bored stiff.

darn it. i put too much water in my rice. again! guess i'll have porridge then.

(while waiting for my stew to heat up)

i'm going off for another retreat today! though it's called a retreat, it always makes me even more tired when i come back. this time we're going to pulau ubin to stay for a night. i don't mind pitching tents and sleeping in sleeping bags, you know. but... there's limited water supply. AND NO BATHING FACILITIES.


anyways, as compared to Dellia's retreat, this retreat will have more people coz it's for the people under pastor William. i just hope as a whole zone we don't stink up the youth service on sunday. heh.

edit #1: greaaaat. now i put way too much oil in my pan for my eggs. my cooking skills are pathetic... oh no, i'll never get married like this! *freak*

edit #2: now i know why you should never put too much oil in the pan. coz it splatters and excess hot oil lands on your fingers scalding them. @#$%&*!

but! check out my egggg.

(ten minutes later)

i have survived! 'cept for the slight tummyache coming up... i'm fine! really! *mmmff*


  • At Saturday, December 17, 2005 2:25:00 AM, Blogger direcow said…

    I think I might even be able to cook better ah... but yeah, water for rice is tricky at first.

    that egg is all the way from sunny side up to sunny side inside out and that much closer to scrambled - what were you aiming for? How come after you ate the egg there was... BLOOD?

    Don't put too much oil, but also don't let water spray into it.

  • At Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:43:00 PM, Blogger feline said…

    it's dark soya sauce la, deh!


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