getting out of my underground location.
kidding! but we really had an egg-overload. bleh.
well, it was nice sitting there with my girls, all pretty and just chilling. i guess it's a different stage of life already - one year back they had just graduated and exploring job possibilities. now? all well-clad and more worldly; WHEN AM I EVER GONNA JOIN U GUYS??
one thing never changes though - shopping. we went shoe shopping today and i am now wanting a pair of red pumps from zara. they made my legs look as if they went on forever... and wearing them made me about 4-5 inches taller.
killer heels!!! *drool*
ok is it me, or is this post a little lack-lustre?
i don't know. i don't feel like studying and i've got so much on my mind.
the reality check the girls gave me during brunch was pretty enlightening and straight in the face: 'viv!! you're being STUPID, alright?'
and it turns out that i am now mel. hahahaha. we had quite a laugh over it. i still remember the time when i was the one doing the chiding. and i was so freaking holier-than-thou. geez. thanks babe, for being so nice about it now and letting xinwei do the smacking.
sigh sigh sigh. i seem to be doing all the things that people don't expect me to be doing and i guess i've disappointed more than a few folks about my actions lately. don't you worry, i do hate myself too. you know what?
i am Christian. and proud to be one.
but sometimes, we just fall. so if u want to judge me, i guess it's up to you.
aiyah, i'm being so emo. *shudder* sometimes i just don't know what to write here anymore, coz people read what i write and assume because i appear happy here, what happens in real life doesn't affect me at all.
but this is a happy blog; that's why it's pink, right?
(wow i'm really just typing randomly... pretty liberating. so what if my sentences seem truncated and you don't get them? weeee~)
i need to get out of hiding, do things i'm not afraid of being exposed. i need to clear out the cobwebs and little white lies i discretely tuck into my heart.
sheesh, this time i've really gone too far down.
'Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.' -Proverbs 31:30